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Cupping Therapy

Benefits of Cupping Therapy/Hijama Therapy?

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine where special cups are placed on your skin to create suction This suction can be generated by heat, a pump, or manual pressure. The idea is to draw blood to or away from specific parts of your body.

Types of Cupping Therapy:

  1. Dry Cupping: Cups are heated with fire or a flame before being placed on the skin. As the air inside the cup cools, a vacuum is created, drawing the skin upward. Also, a pump can be used to create suction without the use of fire.
  2. Wet Cupping/Hijama Cupping: This involves making small incisions on the skin before placing the cups. The suction draws out a small amount of blood.
  3. Smart Cupping: This uses advanced mechanical cups to create a dynamic suction effect. Highly Beneficial results are obtained with this method.

Advantages or Positive Outcomes

Benefits of Cupping Therapy (Hijama Therapy)

1. Pain Relief

2. Improved Blood Circulation

3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction

4. Reduced Inflammation

5. Skin Improvement

6. Respiratory Benefits

7. Digestive Relief

8. Immune System Boost

9. Detoxification

10. Mental Well-being




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